Ok laaaa... sebab ramai dah comment fasal blog ni yang dah lama tak ter-update, terutama dari pembaca setia dan peminat hehe... terima lah gambar terbaru, panas dah mantap ke??
Added today, 110308 - Dan ini lah jawapannya...
Engineering. Oil and Gas. Business & Marketing. Tourism. Traveling. Exploration. Teaching. Beauty. Fashion. Decoration. Architecture. Art. Music. Filming. Photography. History. Tradition & Heritage. Patriotism. Culture. Cooking. Food. Motivation.
Cepatnyer gambar budak poyo tuh masuk kat masrinyer blog. Including his house lak tuh. sure you letih on the next day coz stay up just for the blog..where's my pic?? kalo der pun comment yg baik2 tau...hehehe
Ala hai...ramai lak yg jeles dgn pic my most 'beloved' ass.(pembantu) and muluuut boleh tahan kalau dia mengomeng atau membebel. Good trainee anyway, tapi ada lagi yg lebih baik cuma malas sebut kat sini.
Setiap bulan akan ada best trainee of the month! check it out
apa sebenarnya korang nak aku tulis? gossip? jalan2 or shopping2?
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