Saturday, October 6, 2007

September'07 Story

There were so many things - interesting and important thing - happened in last Sept. It's about every thing; career, friendship - new friends, Ramadhan, traveling - 1st time to 'oversea', Ketupatians, love, party, beach and one last thing which I almost forget to mention is family -something that we don't really have to mention, coz everyone has family technically or biologically.

That things -not including my business- really make me busy and alive, but the most important thing is it makes me enjoy and happy with this life. There is a lot of way to find happiness and there is happiness waiting for you, for us anywhere as long as we always think positively and look for it. So...tanpa membuang masa lihatlah hasil 'September dalam kenangan'.

Good bye Alham. I wish you all the best for your new 'small' family living in big house...the baby is coming! And not too late to wish u 'Selamat Pengantin Baru' again formally. Formally?? Hahaha... Our house now is 'empty' without you, man! Kasiiiiii

Not a runaway bride...but My best friend wedding...

Part 1: Kota Bharu Bandaraya Islam

Laman rehat di antara Pasar Siti Khadijah dan Bazaar Buluh Kubu, one of shopping paradise for Batik, Songket, kraft and all wet market stuff and traditional food. Aku agak bertuah - sambil jalan-jalan tu nampak 2 ekor burung merpati putih sedang ber'love'-love atas pancuran air ni. Can you see the couple?

Pasar Borong @ Pasar Malam Wakaf Che Yeh - 24 hours business, which make the city sleepless.

Another view...pick hours is at 10 - 12 midnight. Bunga RM 1.00 sebatang kalau beli sendiri. Kalau aku jual RM 1.30 sebatang termasuk minyak dan parking. Hari tu ada seorang awek ni kirim bunga ni...bila balik KB aku beli la. Malu juga la nak beli ni tapi terpaksa...

Makanan-makanan pencuci mulut yang aku beli. Murah je... Laksa Penang dan Rojak Mee tu se'rial' je satu bungkus, Yong Tau Fu yang sedap ni RM2-3.00 jer, Murtabak RM 1.20 - 1.50 satu. Yang lain nya murtabak kat KB ni original recipe tau...bukan tebal dengan bawang dan kentang macam kat KL, UTP, Kerteh atau mana-mana tapi penuh dengan telor dan daging atau ayam. Aroma pun memang berlainan dari rempah yang sebenar!

Part 2: Coming Soon


Anonymous said...

terpaksa kerr?? hampehhh..

HELME said...

Cik...saya ikhlas membantu tapi terpaksa meredah kesesakan traffic bandaraya demi satu perkataan yang bermula dgn hurup 'per-s..' Harap dia menghargai walaupun bukan dengan ucapan kata-kata.


hey man ..nice blog..sure you can take some pics from my long as you put my blogg adress there;)
cheers bro

Anonymous said...

isk isk ade org promo2 juga ke kat sini? giler down...anyway, betul ke murtabak sane mmg sangat2 best? bkn ape ler aku mmg selalu mkn yg banyak bawang...

HELME said...

ye raf..mmg murtabak KB pure, inti daging dan telor je. Yg paling popular Murtabak Raja; tebal se-inci, berlapis-lapis, 5-6 orang boleh makan. Harga Rm11.00 satu.... Kat keramat KL popular dgn murtabak pak din - asal kelantan. bekas wife dia jual murtabak halimah di KB... huhuh sampai ke situ aku tahu. hebbat!