Saturday, April 21, 2007

April Trip to Kota Bharu

Last weekend I went to KB, my beloved hometown - as usual - to visit my mom, family, my father and several relatives. It is a must thing I have to do every time I visit my kampung. There are too many things to do within 2 days (sometimes 3 days) weekend. I spend most of my time in my mother's kampung, the place where I was born, 5Km to heart of KB. But I have been doing a lot of things in order to be more fair to my father's side. My younger sister and I have upgraded our father's house and still in progress to make 'our' home more comfortable for our father and ourself. Thanks God for giving me 'not bad' 2 younger sisters. More or less we have the same view, ambition and plan for our self and family.

Ok! let's talk about what I did on last friday in KB..

On Friday morning - mcm biasa je- wake-up, makan-makan, sembang-sembang...ding dong ding dong dah pukul 12 tgh hari. After Friday prayer, I went home, watching TV while sitting on sofa and suddenly all I could remember was a darkness. I slept on the sofa! hehe then moved to bedroom for better sleeping. Sedar-sedar dah pukul 6 lebih...dah tak sempat nak balik kampung Abah!

So mlm tu aku ajak family keluar jalan-jalan 'tengok lampu' sambil ambil angin di taman tapi kebanyakan orang sibuk dgn tugasan masing-masing, so only my sis and youngest aunty follow me to town for shopping. I bought a few things at KB Mall, jalan-jalan and lepak at Facific Bowl for a while before leaving KB Mall. Shops are closed at 10.30pm, but bowling center is opened till 12 am.

The Sultan of Kelantan celebrates his brithday on 31st March every year, and KB city will be decorated with light besides other activites such as 'expo', orchid festival and other art festivals. So, you are quite lucky if you visit KB from 31st March to mid of April! Remember this date please..
I parked my car at Taman Indra Putra, a park with food court and we walked to this 'light world' - the entrance of State Government Complex of Kelantan, which is just beside the park. I was quite lucky because there were 'mother and daughter' buying something at the balloon stall, which makes my photo more complete. See more pictures below please... (I've watched Nanny Mc phee...more please said means more beautiful hahaah)

I felt like living in paradise. So beautiful and I could smell bunga tanjung around here..

Tempayang Awang Selamat?

"Success is not measured on what and how much we have today, but how much we have improved ourself from the beginning of our life" - sekadar pesanan saya untuk diri sendiri dan anda semua, cetusan ilham dari Ilahi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

knp bile aku komen tak approve2 lagik? heran nyer...

perlu ke nak ko approve baru appear. ape ler...always setting mcm tu tau! hehehe...